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Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce


CCEC Membership

About Us

The Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce was chartered in September 1979. The objective of the Chamber is to promote and improve trade and commerce and the economic, civic, and social welfare of the district.

Today, the HACC represents over 100 businesses in the area and our objectives remain the same as they did when we began almost 40 years ago.

The efforts of the Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce and partners are to promote the Hampton area as a thriving business community serving the needs of the residents of the Hampton area.

Mandate of the HACC

The Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce is an organization that promotes trade and commerce, the economic, civic, and social welfare of the district.
To unite the business and professional community in a manner that positive economic growth may be achieved.
To improve the quality of life of everyone in our community by always striving for a stronger business community.
To increase the efficiency and usefulness of the individual chamber members and to promote mutual cooperation between members.
To develop and present informed news and opinions of its members to the municipal, provincial and federal governments.
To promote agriculture, civic, commercial, industrial and other general interest of the business community.

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