CCEC Webinar: Getting More Done with Less Time- Shari Pash
How often have you glanced at the clock and realized your whole day is gone, but you don’t have much to show for it? You aren’t alone! It’s stressful to see that so many items on your to-do or action list are still present, despite your best efforts. All of us have days (weeks, too!) of feeling like we’re muddling through our workload and barely making progress. Luckily, there’s one of my favorite and must have tools that allows you to get more done, even with less time and fewer resources: time blocking. Time blocking is a productivity technique that allows you to plan and organize your time between the activities in your day. Utilizing time blocking and the recommended strategies and tactics I share in this session, you will feel control over your time, your sales, membership work, and/or strategic goals. Let’s work together in this session and help make your to do list, a done list!
Shari Pash, Membership and Growth Strategist
Shari works with Chambers of Commerce, non-profit organizations, and associations in over 27 states and throughout Canada. Through her hands-on work she is changing the culture and way organizations approach membership recruitment, engagement, and retention. Shari takes the expertise of her clients and combines it with her 30+ years of success in growth and development strategies to generate continuous, measurable outcomes. In addition to a focus on membership, Shari conducts board of director planning sessions, and works with non-profit organizations to develop and recruit volunteers.

Date and Time
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Tuesday, June 13
1:00 p.m. ET
Note: Webinar recording available for those that register but not able to attend at scheduled time.
Members: $45+ GST
Non-Members: $60 + GST
Note: If you registered for the 2023 webinar series, you do NOT need to register for this event separately.
Contact Information
Shelley Morris 204 795 2000
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